From: LostCousins newsletter <>
Sent: 01 June 2024 10:13
Subject: Good news and bad news
On the one hand you can save on DNA tests if you’re quick – but if you have ancestors from England & Wales you’ll have to pay more for certificates. Swings and roundabouts….
Save on Ancestry DNA NEW OFFERS
GRO increases prices for online services
The 1961 Census
Review: Counting Heads
Where were your ancestors in 1851?
So good they named him twice
Don’t forget the Masterclasses!
Invasion of the body snatchers
Police history online
What happened to Quarter Sessions?
Who Do You Think You are? magazine LAST CHANCE
Peter’s Tips
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Good Housekeeping
Please remember to update your My Details page when your email address is about to change – if I can’t contact you then neither can your cousins! was the primary email address shown on your My Details page, and in my records, on 30th May. It’s also the user name to enter when you log-in to your LostCousins account, or request an automated password reminder.
Your password begins with: R
But if that doesn’t help you remember it, click the link below for an instant reminder email:
Please note that automated emails are currently not getting through to Gmail addresses – if your reminder email doesn’t arrive ask me to send a manual copy. It’s a bit slower but it’ll sneak in under Gmail’s spam filter….
If this email has been forwarded to a different address, or if you are about to change your address, please log-in and update your My Details page right away so that we don’t lose touch. (This is a standard message included in every newsletter email – so please DON’T contact me if the details shown are up to date, it isn’t necessary.)
Peter Calver
Founder, LostCousins
This is a closed mailing list – these emails have been sent ONLY to the more than 70,000 LostCousins members who have asked to receive my UK and worldwide newsletters. If you have received more than one copy of this email it’s almost certainly because you have more than one LostCousins account.