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A visit to Hebden Bridge Town hall where as part of the Sand In Your Eye Project during September 2014, Jamie Wardley who is a Sand Sculptor created a sculpture of a lady at home after receiving a letter from the front during World War I telling her that her husband had either was missing in action or had been killed in active service during the conflict. Jamie revisited the sculpture during the following months to carry out an aging process to the sculpture. This was to show haw after receiving the devistating news about her husband she had aged a great deal. A link to a video showing how the process took place in Hebden. Unfortunatley after a torrential downpour of rain the statue was destroyed and ended up as a pile of sand where it stood.

To see the video please click this link

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After a talk at The Phoenix Women’s Group in Holmfirth about a World War I project to create a memorial to the men of Featherstone who lost their lives during the conflict. We visited the site in Featherstone in 2020.


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February 2023 – Our new home at Batley Community Centre