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Can you believe it’s almost Halloween? Autumn is well and truly under way so why not settle down to a bit of family history research on these chiller days? Check out the latest edition of our newsletter to help you along!

Check out our latest blogs!

Genealogy Myths Debunked: Fact or Fiction

In this blog, we will debunk the top seven genealogy myths, separating fact from fiction in genealogy research.

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Do You Have Mayflower Ancestors?

In this blog, we will delve into the world of Mayflower genealogy, explore the benefits of joining the Mayflower Society, and provide you with resources to help you discover if you are a Mayflower descendant.

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Latest Family History News!

Ulster Settlers Database Goes Online!

Information about settlers of 17th century Ulster is now available in a free database. The database includes the names of 14,560 people who settled in Ulster between c1609 and 1641.

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Ancestry Adds Australian Petty-Session Records!

Ancestry has added a collection of 2,854,808 petty-session records from the Australian state of Victoria, dating from 1854 – 1922. The records are available as both searchable transcriptions and digital images

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Our expert team will guide you every step of the way when taking a DNA test and will help elevate your research to a whole new level! Get in contact for your free no-obligation quote!

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